Lets Just say, off the bat, I am a comfortably off white semi retired male, from the UK, living in the South of Spain with my beautiful creative semi retired wife.
Lets face it, compared to drowning immigrants, the starving third world, and the poor folks incarcerated by totalitarian governments around the world, I have no right to have an opinion at all.
My life is all marshmallows and white cotton sheets , little fluffy clouds, rolling over beautiful Mediterranean sunsets, with a mouth full of red wine and olives…
But , it’s a large BUT!
I still have opinions, I have tried to turn them off, and just suck it up, when I am confronted with the surreal absurdities of this present world we are living in.
Maybe I should get therapy, maybe I should just give myself a royal kick up the ass, and say…
Is it just Grumpy Old Man Syndrome? Is it something that the majority of “privileged” old white guys simply just slide into?
I have been in a quandary here, do I just bottle it up, SUCK IT UP, until there is a minor incident, that results in me being led away in handcuffs, or sedated and wheeled off in the ubiquitous meat wagon.
Or do I decide to do something about it?
You unfortunately have agreed by being with me thus far, that you are going to be involved in the inner workings of perhaps one really sick mind, that needs to be healed.
So I am just going to put it out there, it’s MY therapy.
I know it’s not PC to say this, but this is about me, it’s just not this once about you…
Or is it???
Buckle up, as it’s going to be rough!
Clear the decks and lash down any principles and values that are not steadfastly lashed down in your subjective moral consciousness, in this shit-storm of verbal diarrhoea. Your values and woke-ness may be severely abused, but this is therapy for me.
Remember, you are not what’s important here.
It’s up to you?
You’re still here?
Right then.
Let the Therapy begin…
© 2021 I.Simpson. All Rights Reserved. Duplication, copying, printing without the consent of the author is prohibited.