
My Story

The Sea

The Sea

Then through the contacts we as a family made, from being a harbour-side bar, I went to the sea first messing about in wee boats of friends, then more seriously, helping out at “The Fishing”, on the small but rugged, North Sea fishing vessels, and then progressing onwards and upwards to a small merchant marine coastal vessel, “The Union Pearl” whilst I awaited my joining instructions for my apprenticeship as a Deep Sea Merchant Navy Navigation Officer/Deck Officer…with the esteemed company “Benline”, or the Leith Greeks as they were affectionately known…

From there there was entrepreneurial dabbling in “Alarm System Installations”, “the Pyramid selling scheme of water fitters”, “Managing the pub”, when I came home on leave, allowing my parents a well earned break.

In amongst all this was my complex love life, with even a marriage included, a son born, and ever hectic times, the eventual change over to the North Sea’s Oil Industry and my meteoric rise to the echelons of the oil industry…how that all came about I am not entirely sure… but there are more than a few good stories in those episodes of my life.

Which takes me through to early retirement at 49 years of age, where I simply quit…

Came to live in my little piece of paradise in the south of Spain, and planned to begin a career writing…

Ok, that was some years ago but I am easily distracted and a helpful kind of soul… so the years went by… more stories of course… but here we are, now blissfully happy with the keyboard and in harness… lets see what happens next… it’s certainly been a hell of a ride thus far…

As my oldest friend that Doug in Rio says – “It Ain’t over yet” and we got ourselves together after much debauchery having turned 50, I reckon he has a point, and we are still going strong…
Which brings me to the here and now…