Moussa was on a mission, obviously his business acumen smelled an opportunity, and he was keeping her on mission, for whatever that mission may be? In any case Dave was on his own, which was actually a bit of a relief.. . he started to sober up, drinking coffee and eating stodgy food, as in french bread and cheese, beautiful…
He kept his headphones on till after the landing, it was evening now, and the lights of Lagos showed the massive sprawl of a city it was with it’s well developed centre and the mass of humanity splurging outwards on the arterial routes you couldn’t really call them roads, could you?
The air bridge docked, and as 1st class, they got to leave 1st!
Moussa made his goodbyes, and swiftly exited from the arrivals through the “No Entry “ doors with a nod to the guard who was obviously in on Moussa’s machinations re customs etc etc.
“Yes”, Dave thought, – “definitely on your own now…”
At least the immigration queue was small, as the aircraft was still emptying of business and cattle class.
The immigrations officers’ slightly tired uniform, adorned with “Thunder Flashes” “Stars” various ranking insignia, plus of course the ubiquitous medals, given for “God knows what? His large, probably just a tad too big hat similarly over adorned with gold braid and silver reminded Dave that the worse the countries standing in the corruption and human rights leagues the flashier and more ostentatious the authorities uniforms were.
Yet again, if you were not prepared for it, you might have regarded this as the start of “The Inquisition”, but Dave knew this was just his normal speaking voice, normal for around these parts!
“Flying to Calibar tomorrow and then Qai Ibo working construction for this company”, Dave showed the copies of documents provided by “The Company” and the relevant visas and travel documents and tickets to back up his “Story”.
Never mentioning the “Oil industry” was a good rule, as immediately the stakes were raised, and remember, everyone is a “Business Man” here, even the ladies ….
“Business” is simply looking out for opportunities to make a better life of it from your present lot. For example, this immigration officer had probably not been paid in a month the salaries of Govt employees were at the least erratic, and certainly not enough to feed a family and live on, so certain, “Business “ had to be sought out… Western Foreigners working in “The Oil Business” were lets say “Good Business“.
As the papers were in order, and it seems the wheels were already greased, way above his pay grade, Dave was stamped in, and headed to the next stage of a Lagos welcome, the health screening.
Yes, entering Nigeria from the health wealthy state of Europe was of course seen as the reason for all the infection and disease here, obviously, these healthy fat well paid foreigners were bringing in all manner of heinous diseases and infections, to this perfect vision of health, Lagos, Nigeria.
So the “opportunities were now multiplying“!
“Wait here for DE NURSE”, said the receptionist at the “Foreigners health screening desk”, strangely all the nationals, coughing spluttering, red eyed, yellow eyes, limping and in all probability oozing puss (Well in Dave’s Mind anyway) were bypassing such stringent health checks, as Dave supposed they were not worth the effort, as they simply wouldn’t and probably couldn’t pay the “fees?”
He was called in to “The Doctor “ by DE NURSE.
© 2021 I.Simpson. All Rights Reserved. Duplication, copying, printing without the consent of the author is prohibited.